Visualize and Manage Your Network In a More Programatic Way

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ITPIE provides you with thorough knowledge and control of your network.


ITPIE has a proven track record of IT Modernization on some of the world's largest networks. Moreover, ITPIE does all this without disrupting your network.


The key to defending your attack surface is knowing every IP address on your network, whether it’s a server, printer, laptop, VOIP phone, hand radio, or security camera.

Network Operations

ITPIE makes your NetOps more agile by reducing its mean time to respond, resolve, and secure.

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What is ITPIE?

ITPIE (Information Technology Proprioceptive Integration Engine) is a suite of tools that provides you with thorough knowledge and control of your network. It gives you accurate ongoing insight into what your physical and logical assets are, where they are located, how they are related to each other, and how they are changing over time.

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Industries ITPIE Serves
