Below are ten key features of ITPIE that give users actionable intelligence to make intelligent decisions and changes to their network. In addition, check out several unique features ITPIE offers in the marketplace, like our All Terrain Collection, Complete Collection, and NVDM.
All Terrain Collection
- Collect from networks that are siloed from your main organization’s network.
- See your entire network from one pane of glass.
ITPIE can collect in secure environments with segmented and/or isolated networks, to include independently operated organization networks, Special Access Programs (SAP) environments, as well as in Delayed/Disconnected, Intermittently Connected, and Low Bandwidth (DIL) environments. ITPIE can be quickly deployed anywhere on almost any platform for ad hoc point in time or continuous data collection. Then the dataset can then be securely imported into the software’s server application for holistic data enrichment, analysis, and reporting.

Intelligent Search
- Radically reduce your Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR) and Mean Time to Secure (MTTS) with a variety of different searches from a large spectrum of network devices in a matter of seconds.
ITPIE is not only a system of record of what is currently on your network; it is also a system of record with a time dimension. So in a way, ITPIE acts as a time machine of “what is currently on your network” and “what has been on your network.” With each ITPIE collection, all collected data is timestamped and stored in the ITPIE database. This allows users to query what was found on a network during the most recent ITPIE collection and an ITPIE collection performed a week ago or even two months ago. This feature is handy when ITPIE is used as a cross-reference for other IT data repositories that also timestamp their collected data like SPLUNK, Elastic, firewall logs, and more.
NVDM™ (Network Variable Data Management)
- Fully customizable datastore where the user can create custom fields, validations, and calculable formulas and store the exact data needed
- Multi-user collaboration
- Compare planned and actual state
- Manage standards and policy
- Single Source of Truth
NVDM allows storing network variable data created by the user unique to that particular network. As a result, users can create high-value custom reports comprised of a customer’s unique network variables and labels with the detailed database of device information that ITPIE collects.

Maps that filter and Time Slider
- Dial back time and see how your network has changed over time on the map.
- See more than just the map, be able to see the granular details of every device with one click.
- Easy-to-use filters allow users to show or hide specific devices across the network.
- Dynamic layer 2 and layer 3 maps can be easily-exported network diagrams by each ITPIE operator.
- No longer boxed in by management systems that don’t play well with other applications. Data can be easily imported, exported, or shared by API.
- Publish APIs so 3rd party systems can interact programmatically.

Complete Collection
ITPIE knows what’s on your network because it supports 100+ OS versions representing hundreds of platforms and device types. If the device has an IP address, ITPIE will find it. Our software interrogates and collects 75+ details on various devices contributing to a database of enriched data that allows users to create highly customized and valuable reports.Once ITPIE collects all your network data regardless of vendor, it creates a model of your entire network. A map, survey, or report of your network is only helpful if your software collects every device and its relevant details. ITPIE gives you the complete picture of your network.
Executive Dashboard
Use the Executive Dashboards to get a quick readout on the state of the network and see the number and types (Router, Switch, Firewall,…) of devices by vendor. Or check out what has been discovered, validated, changed, or removed from the network by vendor and OS.

High Value – Standard Reports
ITPIE routinely collects and discovers on the network. ITPIE creates some standard reports from that comprehensive collection that most organizations require. Our standard reports give Information Assurance and security departments the unique functionality they each need from a single source of truth. A sample of our reports include:- EOL – Devices that are 2 years or less from end of life
- STP – Spanning Tree Nodes
- Neighbors – returns all the logical L1 adjacencies
- VRF – inventory of all VRFs
- VLAN – inventory of all VLANs
Custom Reports
ITPIE collects an extensive inventory of detailed network data. In addition to making reports on each inventory’s data points, users can also import or enter their unique network information associated with each device (e.g., label, geospatial location, NetOps servicing notes). ITPIE also allows users to define their network variables like calculable fields programmatically. Calculable fields can calculate accurate End of Life (EOL), EoSL (End of Service Life), and EoS (End of Sale) reports showing obsolete or out-of-service devices.